Friday, August 9, 2013

Raingun review

                                                                       Written by John Blackport.

 I recently had the chance to read Raingun. This book is unlike any other I have read. Trust me, I have read a lot of books.

Mr. Blackport takes you to a whole new world and allows you to see it through Rick's eyes. Rick is the main character in this amazing and exciting tale of a young boy's struggle through life. Each person has 5 gifts(Lives). Once lost they are resurrected, unless it is the fifth gift, then you become giftless. (Dead)

Rick has a mother that not all would want. He joins the rainguns to get away, and to make something of himself. He proves himself many times over fighting the undead, servants of Grumach, The god of insanity and horror. He loses one gift(life) to a pirate who worships Ullon, the god of murder and deceit. 

Watch a boy become a man. You will feel his sadness, weakness, happiness, and anger. This is not your usually world. You will lose yourself with in the scenery. words will be come pictures and you yourself will be intrigue by the characters in Rick's life. You will feel yourself start to recite spells almost as you are a raingun your self following him in to battle. Will he fulfill his dreams? Will he find his lost love and get her to love him back?

This you will have to find out on your own. I have thoroughly enjoyed this book, and will continue to read it many more times. I will be waiting very impatiently for the next book. I believe Mr. Blackport has worked very hard, and will continue to expand our imagination through his books!

Thank you John for letting me review this book. I look forward to many more books written by you!


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