Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Resolution by John Blackport.

Resolution, second book in the Talan Revolt series.

I was right away very excited to read this book. You find yourself continuing to follow Rick and his friends to a mining camp. If you read the first book Raingun, then you already know that Rick has some reserved feelings about slaves. Now he finds himself having to defend this mining camp full of slaves. He is pitted to raise a rebellion but after finding the camp under attack by a necromancer named Lucan, who is bent on turning the slaves into the undead. He must delay his plans and help other forces(like the Ogres) fight against Lucan. While the town is under siege he comes across Anya. Can he trust her? One must read the book to find out!

I truly recommend this book. It was one that I found fulfilling with description and adventures. It is a must read!! Looking forward to reading the next book in the series Balislanka!

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