Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Diablo 3 on Xbox 360

Diablo 3

It is finally here on Xbox 360! I picked it up today. Blizzard Entertainment has outdone themselves with the third and newest installment to the Diablo franchise. This game takes place 20 years after Diablo 2. A mysterious fallen star falls from the sky in the the Tristram Cathedral. You choose one of the 5 classes, you then arrive at Tristram to find the dead rising. You must find Leah's Uncle who was missing after the fallen star hit the cathedral. It is up to you to stop hell from unleashing on Santuary.

You chose one of five different character classes: 

Barbarians: powers are based exceptional valor, bravery, and their physical attributes. . The barbarian can cut through crowds, jump over crags. Barbarians use Fury, which is generated through attacking enemies, getting attacked by enemies, and using certain abilities. Fury is used for certain abilities.

/Monk: Melee attacker, that uses martial arts. Attack with speed, and precise killing blows. The Monk uses Spirit, which is slowly regained from attacking. 

Witch Doctor: Can summon monsters, cast curses, and poisons enemies. Witch Doctors use Mana, which is slowly generated.

Demon Hunter: use small bombs and crossbows. Fueled by discipline and hatred. Hatred is used for attacks and is fast regenerating whereas discipline is used for defensive abilities and is slow regenerating.  

Wizard: can use elemental magic, and teleporting. Wizards use arcane power which regenerates fast.

I chose to be a female Monk. I am so far level 9. I absolutely love Diablo 3. It is very hard for me to stop playing. My husband and I have decided that it is our all time favorite co-op game. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. 


I am still amazed with Diablo 3. I am in Act 3 right now, and am loving all the different "monsters". I am level 28 right now. I really like being able to change my skills whenever I want too. The loot drops have been amazing as well! You can even craft your own armor, and weapons as well. 

***I will continue to update this post as I progress further in the game.

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