Saturday, February 2, 2013

Battlestar Galactica...Real life issues..

So I started a twitter account and followed Edward James Olmos. Who played Admiral William Adama from Battlestar Galactica. (any syfy fan should already know this) Well, I woke up this morning and checked my Twitter account and saw that he was following me and left a message. Of course I am ecstatic  My first follower is EJO! The topping on the cake was the "SO SAY WE ALL" in the message. Now I know that some people don't understand us BSG fans, but if you do have a moment look it up, watch a few episodes. What I really loved about BSG (other than Jamie Bambar, and Micheal Trucco) was the ability of  the executive producers Ron Moore and David Eick to write in controversial issues like abortion, torture, human rights, corrupt politics in the episodes! To be able to do that and then be invited to sit and discuss real life events at the United Nations shows you how talented and important their view really was. Here are some quotes from the conversation at the UN (Thank you,

"We challenge the audience in a lot of ways," Moore said, adding that the show has had viewers "question heroes" and "root for the villains."

"Even if you end up believing at the end the exact same thing you thought at the beginning, at least you thought about it," Moore added.

"People who are taking these actions that we find unacceptable are sometimes in the positions where they don't see the solution," McDonnell said.

It was Edward James Olmos who had pointed out that there is only one race, the human race.

"And then I end up well prepared as the admiral of Battlestar Galactica to say to all of you, there but one race, and that is it! So say we all!" Olmos said, invoking a common "Battlestar" chant used on the show.

The crowd shouted back So Say We all!

"I love that you did that here at the UN," Goldberg said after everyone had calmed down.

Can we really get behind BSG? Yes, from watching every episode, it really makes you think and look at the other side you would once not even consider. I think we all need to do that, look at both sides before we make a decision. Not only does it bring strong, controversial issues to the people, but it also has a enticing and "you don't want to move from your seat" story line.

The story line, I have yet to comment on that and well here is a summary.

Cylons were created by humans, after a long and terrible war they struck a truce. 40 years later, a woman shows up with two cylons at a human envoy. Blows it up, then all 12 planets of the colonies are nuked. This leaves the human race with 50,000 survivors. They search space to find a new home and while doing that are at war with the cylons.

I know not very detailed but I want you to check it out Battlestar Galactica for yourself!

 Thank you all for reading!

<3 Amanda

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