Monday, February 11, 2013

Cassandra's Cake Pops and Crafts Review

       Cassandra's Cake Pops and Crafts Review

I love cake, but other than my 2yr old and 1 yr old I am the only one who eats it. My husband doesn't like cake...What is wrong with him, right? Well, I never want to buy a cake just for me and the kids. It will be quite a while before we even eat half of it. I don't want my children to eat to much cake. So what about cake pops? I love the idea of cake pops, even though I never have had tried Cake pops before I really wanted to. So when I came across Cassandra's Cake Pops and Crafts on Facebook  I was very intrigued by them.

 I opened the cute little white box and found them delicately wrapped in cute Valentine's Day tissue paper. Each was individually wrapped in it's own plastic with a tie to seal in the freshness. When I opened up the strawberry cake pop, all I could smell was Chocolate covered strawberries! Inside there was strawberry cake!

I had a total of four cake pops. My favorite was the OXOX red velvet cake pop. The cake is so moist in all of the cake pops! There was 2 red velvet pops, 1 chocolate, and 1 strawberry. I am not a big fan of chocolate cake but this was delicious!!

I recommend these to anyone with little ones. My 2 yr old loved them! What she really liked was that she could hold them herself and eat it like a Popsicle  Her favorite cake pop was the cupcake with the heart Candy on top. I loved that there was no mess! No frosting all over her face or cake everywhere.

These are great for any holiday, or party! I know I will be ordering them for my daughter's and son's birthday! She does so many different decorations for the cake pops. I have seen snowman, hats and boots, scooby doo, NFL themed, and Disney Characters. She has a variety of cake to choose from which includes strawberry, red velvet, and chocolate. Her prices are above fair. You can visit her site  here. If you would like order through her email her at

Gamer's Galore and More received one or more of the products mentioned above for free for evaluation purposes. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Gamer's Galore and More Disclosure.


  1. These look delicious! YUM! I bet my kids would love too.

  2. These look wonderful! I love cake and bite size portable cake sounds like a great idea to me!

  3. These look wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  4. That sounds great! I love the small size I think that would help with portion control.

  5. Thank you all :) so glad you enjoyed them

  6. These look delicious!!! I think i may order some! they are so cute also!! =)
