Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Review and Giveaway of Newman's Own Organics

Hello, I am helping a fellow blogger out please read the review and enter the giveaway! Good Luck

This Review is done by The Momma And Boys

It was like Christmas in this house all over again. The boys faces lite up in joy when they received this box of Newman's Own Organic to review.

There were so many choices to try first and we didn't know where to start. Newman's Organic Owl sent us pretzels, dried apples, dried berry blends, Ginger O's cookies, Mint cookies, different flavors of licorice, chocolates, mints, and popcorn. That isn't even the best part of it, the best part is that they are all organic!

Momma's Boy #3 loved the organic dried berry blends. He was in love with it so much we had a hard time to have him share with us, and when he did share I must admit they were delicious. There was not one thing in that box that the boys and I didn't love. 

RAFFLECOPTER: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: The Momma And Boys has received the product as a gift to do a review and giveaway and all opinions are from The Momma And Boys! The Momma And Boys and Gamer's Galore and More is not responsible for shipping of the product.

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