Friday, February 8, 2013

Review and giveaway Diaper for Dogs Hosted by The Momma and Boys

Hello Everyone! I am helping a fellow blogger out with this Review and giveaway! If you have a dog, enter the giveaway! Good Luck!

Review and Giveaway hosted by The Momma And Boys!

Diapers for dogs allowed us to review a dog diaper for my little Daisy. They are really easy to put on the dog. It Velcro's around the dogs shoulders and around their hips. They even have a spot to put the tail through which is excellent.

After putting this diaper for my dog on I could tell that it was really comfortable for her. She was able to sit down and move around just fine without any problems.

Inside the diaper they have a spot for you to insert absorbent pads. This diaper for dogs came in handy for me when my dog went into heat. I was able to make sure everything was under control. The best part about it is that the diaper is washable so no need to always waste money on diapers or other products for when your dog goes into heat.

This picture of the bandana's is what you will be entering the giveaway to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Momma And Boys has received the product as a gift to do a review and giveaway and all opinions are from The Momma And Boys! The Momma And Boys and Gamer's Galore and More is not responsible for shipping of the product.

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