Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chasing my dreams...

This is my story.

                      To all of my readers out there, I want to share with you my story. 

I have always been a bigger girl, I am big boned, and even when I was my healthiest and most fit, I weighed 200 lbs. I was running cross country, I hardly had any body fat at all, even though after running cross country, my weight had gone up 20 lbs but I went down 4 pant sizes. That was my senior year in high school. I knew what people thought of me and called me and it hurt me.

Now, after 7 years, a knee surgery, and two kids, I am at my heaviest. I have suffered from depression for the longest time. I have not had faith in myself for a long time. My self esteem was non-existent. I started thinking that no one would want to hang out with me or talk to me because how big I was. I have to say all of that is changing, and I like it. Currently I am 268 lbs, On Jan. 16th 2013 I weighed in at 289 lbs. I was devastated. I did not want to look at myself. On February 1st I started my road, to a whole new me. I join a weight loss group and challenge on Facebook  The Challenge goes until May 31st.

 I started out eating healthier and exercising, I cut the pop out of my diet, most of all the junk food as well. I weighed in at 265 lbs on March 1st. I started Insanity on March 4th and also started It Work's Ultimate Body Applicator, Defining gel, Fat Fighters, Greens, and Thermofit. I had one bag of Body By Vi Shake mix so I decided I would replace two of my meals with that as it said on the directions. I felt good, but I was gaining the weight back. On March 8th I had weighed in at 268 lbs, and on March 11th at 10:00 pm I was 275 lbs! My husband found a blog from a fitness trainer who had done months of research on the Body By Vi Shakes you can find it here. After reading it, I immediately threw it out. That was on Sunday, Today, March 12th I am 268 lbs. In using the It Works products where you can find here I have seen a lot a considerable amount of inches come off in just 2 ultimate boy applicators. (16 inches total in my waist and hips.) I use the Defining gel twice a day, thermofit twice a day, fat fighters as needed and greens once a day. I have seen an improvement in my energy, my moodiness, and my weight. I believe in these products so much that I became an Independent Distributor. If you want to see before and after pictures please visit Wrap Yourself Skinny With Amanda.

I wanted to do Insanity for awhile now and finally broke down and bought it. I was worried about how much it was. Only a couple of days in and I knew that it was worth the price. I am now in Week 2 and tomorrow will be day 3 of week 2. I can do many more exercises now then when I first started. I can do more reps as well. I have to say that I love it! Best workouts that I have ever done.

I have to say I am getting two big pushes to get me through this, they come from my husband and best friend Mickey, and a new, great friend Heather, If it wasn't for both of them
 I wouldn't be doing so well.

 I am not writing a review, or trying to get people to buy products. This is my own personal opinion and I just want people to have their questions answered about It Works! and to know that there is something out there that works. To everyone who thinks they will not be able to change your weight, or change your self confidence, I am doing it right now, you can too! I would love your comments, I have never publicly announced my weight before so please be kind.


  1. You do not give yourself enough credit!! I have only known you a short time but in the time I have, I would have never guessed you suffered from depression, and I'm in the medical field! Keep it up and make it a lifestyle change, your whole life will change for the better because of it. You know who to call for an extra push!

    1. I hide it well, but recently I haven't been in a depressive mood. I want to thank you for all of your words for encouragement :) It keeps me motivated.

  2. So I just read that post about body by vi and my soon to be sister in law was swearing by it and after reading that I realize that after she had been using it for a long time she was having sezures and has now been announced she had shrlliacs disease. I wonder if that could be part of issue.

    1. I am not sure, I would have her take it into the doctor,and let them know about it an how long she took it, I am very sorry! Sending out, thoughts and positive vibes to her and your family! I am glad we caught it early!

  3. Way to go Amanda! Keep up the great work I know u can do it. I started eating healthier and exercising each day and now that made a turn and I stopped it all...I need to get myself back on track and start keeping myself healthy. I love to exercise so that should really be no problem. I've got two kids so I want to set a good example for them. I've always wanted to try out Insanity but I can't afford it at the price so I'll stick with some exercises of my own right now. Great Job Amanda! Keep it up, I know u can do it!

  4. I am so happy for you.. I will have to check out some of the products you mentioned.. I am glad your feeling less depressed my doctor has always said exercise would help a lot.. and diet.. I am too working on the healthier side of things lately and hope to see some weight loss in time.. Congrats to you and keep up the good work.

  5. Hugs to you! I am also trying to lose weight, so maybe we can check with one another every so often! :) Keep it up!
