Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I am a Video gamer Mom....Am I bad?

I am a Video gamer mom.

Hi, my name is Amanda, and I am a video gameaholic. I finally came out and said it! I feel so free admitting my addiction.... Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice? How many moms out there have been told that since you have children you should not play video games? Well, this is what I think about that!

I turned 24 in November, I have been playing video games ever since I can remember, and I have a 2 wonderful children. I try and play a video game on a regular basis. Excuse me, my blog is called Gamer's Galore and More for a reason. Just because I am mom it doesn't mean that I have to cut all ties to video games. Am I a bad mom because I won't stop? Hell No! I'm sorry but there are moms out there who are into worst activities. 

Q: Do I ignore my children when I play? 

A: No, I try to play when they are sleeping or busy playing with their toys and don't want anything to do with me.

Q: Aren't you to old too play video games?

A: No, Aren't your too old to wear a mini skirt? 

Q: Does video games make you Violent? 

A: Now this is my opinion, No. I have played a variety of games, and am I a violent person? No. 

Q: Will you let your children play graphic video games?

A: Yes, I believe they are going to see fighting, or blood one way or another. Now, that doesn't mean I am going to let them play Skyrim or Call of Duty when they are four. I believe kids should be introduce to nature that we condemn to learn about it. So If I was homeschooling my children, I would probably use a game to teach them a lesson. I don't think kids should be sheltered from " all the bad things" to produce good children. Kids need to know what is out there to better protect and prepare themselves from it.

Q: You know your children will become lazy and fat if you let them play video games, right?

A: No, they won't. They will understand that getting exercise and fresh air is important. I would trust them to know when they are playing to much and when they think they need to go outside and play. If you do not trust your child and tell them they need to do everything, how are they going to trust themselves and know what to do while they are on their own? When they do start playing video games all I will say is play in moderation.

So next time some one says your a bad mom, or you are to old for video games, just send them to this post. Okay, maybe not. Just please promise me that is you won't let what they say bother you.

This video gamer mom.


  1. I'm with you! I'm a gamer mom, too! I'll be 30 this year, so if you are too old, I am WAY too old, lol! :) My girls are 3 and 5 and will be allowed to play games too - but like everything in life, it's all about moderation! :)

  2. Hi Im a gamer too!!! But not a mom.

  3. I play video games as well but just like you I usually wait until they are asleep.

  4. I'm not much of a video gamer but I like to play once in awhile. Now my husband is big in to video games. We have a lot of different video game systems. :)

  5. I am addicted to Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. But I haven't played in a while. Too much competition for my "free" time. I don't see anything wrong if you can manage it, though! (as long as you aren't neglecting your family. :-))

  6. I love your response to “Are you too old to play video games?”

  7. I love this! Video games are a lot of fun, and you're never too old to have fun. =)

  8. I am a gamer myself. I also happen to be an elementary school teacher. I do limit the violence that my children are exposed to. However, video games teach strategy,turn-taking skills, perseverance, and how to lose nicely.It also usually involves reading & math.
