Monday, March 18, 2013

Terra Vonnel and the Skulls of Aries by D.C Akers Review

Terra Vonnel and the Skulls of Aries

By D.C Akers

 This past weekend I had the pleasure to read Terra Vonnel and the Skulls of Aries by D.C Akers. The first book in the Terra Vonnel Trilogy. Terra is a 17 year old girl who is known as the Sea Vixen. As you can see this is a "High Seas Adventure".  She is on a quest to find and use the Orb of Time to solve and seek revenge on the killer of her mother. Along the way, you will meet vampires, her crew, and a terrifying creature that no one has survived to tell about!

Let me just say, I just loved this book! I highly recommend it. I found it very descriptive and adventurous. I love how the Author (D.C Akers) kept the story flowing through out the story.I believe this is great book for all ages, specially teens. This would also be a great book for girls since the main character is a teen girl who is overcoming odds and dealing with the loss of her mother. 

To view D.C Aker's website click here. To view his page on Facebook click here. To buy Terra Vonnel and the Skulls of Aries click here. To read other reviews click here.

I hope you all look into this book and read it. I am sure you will love it as much as me!

<3 Amanda

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. Sounds like a great story. I'll need to recommend this book to my teens. :)

  2. This sounds really interesting! I love fantasy books, so I'll add this to my list!

  3. Sounds like a great book.. I will have to suggest it to my girls.. both teens.. thank you for the review..
