Friday, March 8, 2013

Giveaways and sore losers.

One Lucky Winner!

Recently, I entered a Pin it to Win it, a Xbox giveaway, for A Tomb Raider Prize Pack. You have to re-pin at least 5 items Lara Croft could use to survive on a mysterious island that she is shipwrecked on. To view the board and comments you can find it HERE

Tomb Raider is one of my all time favorites! I was very excited to have a chance to even enter. So when I received an e-mail from Pinterest saying I had a follower Xbox, I was intrigued. So I checked out the board and saw that I was a winner. Four other people won as well. A WINNER! I never win anything. I was so excited that was until, I received another email from Pinterest saying that a person had replied to my comment. What I saw, made me a bit upset.

I do not believe that if you enter a giveaway and do not win you should start saying hurtful, mean words, or belittle someone. You have a great sense of the odds of winning since you can see everyone who entered. Congratulate the winners and let it be. Maybe you will win next time. With this being said, take a moment and thank the company for bringing this giveaway to you. They don't have to do giveaways, but they do.

Thank you to all my readers out there, and remember be thankful for what you have, and the chances you have because others may not have the same chances you do.

<3 Amanda


  1. I like the point about thanking the companies. I never really thought of it that way. I actually read some of the comments made on this board and people need to chill. I think it's sad that people are such sore losers.

  2. So true! It drives me nuts when I see people complaining that they didn't win or being mean and poor sports when they don't win something. There are a lot of sore loser out there and I just don't understand it.

  3. First I love Tomb Raider too! One of my first favorite games ever, def first RPG love affair for sure. Congrats!

    Boo to those that take so much time spreading negative energy. Your right don't hate congratulate, thank the sponsor, and move on in hopes of another chance.

  4. One thing you have to know is people LOVE to complain! As a blogger I hear all the time how giveaways are fake/rigged/etc even though the winners post that they won and even when the get their items. Some people will never be happy!
